AGvocate Program Website
Here you will find information about current municipal Agriculture Commissions in Connecticut, along with resources for building farm friendly communities, and links to local, state, and federal organizations that can provide assistance in keeping local agriculture viable. This website will provide guidance and resources to municipalities, agriculture commissions, and farmers.

Promoting Agriculture Since 2009
The AGvocate Program is administered by the Connecticut Resource Conservation & Development Area, Inc. (CT RC&D) in partnership with a Steering Committee comprised of members from The Last Green Valley, USDA FSA, USDA NRCS, USDA RD, UConn Extension, participating communities, agricultural businesses, and other federal, state, and non-profit agencies and organizations. AGvocate is a grassroots program providing a forum for municipal officials, agricultural producers, and other stakeholders to strengthen the farm-friendliness of Connecticut towns. In the past, the AGvocate program received funding from the Connecticut Department of Agriculture through a Farm Viability Grant to promote agriculture by supporting the creation of committees and commissions at the municipal level to support local farmers while helping residents understand the importance of agriculture in their town.
The Roots of the Program
Prior to the creation of the AGvocate Program, there were no local Agriculture Commissions, and as a result of the effort, the program assisted 14 Eastern Connecticut towns in the creation of their own committees and commissions.
Year One
AGvocate Towns
• Ashford
• Brooklyn
• Canterbury
• Franklin
• Sterling
• Thompson
Year Two
AGvocate Towns
• Eastford
• Hampton
• Windham
• Woodstock
Year Three
AGvocate Towns
• Bozrah
• Killingly
• Pomfret
• Scotland
AGvocate Today
Currently, the AGvocate Program focus is to provide services directly to agricultural producers statewide. AGvocate promotes farm-friendly community policies and regulations in Connecticut, and is a liaison between agricultural producers and local communities. The AGvocate program success was recognized by Working Lands Alliance in 2011 and received the Pathfinder Award for working to preserve farmland.

This project was funded in part by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture through the Community Investment Act and Connecticut Resource Conservation & Development (CT RC&D)

Connecticut RC&D Office
UConn Extension Center
1066 Saybrook Road, PO Box 70
Haddam, CT 06438